Forming Opinion
Forming Opinions
Sorry for the break, I am back in the saddle again! I have been really busy with school and I was out of town this past weekend doing some continuing education credits. I was attending a seminar on Muscle Activation Techniques (, it was the jump start clinic. I found it to be very well done and very interesting. There were definitely things that I could take away from the seminar and put into practice with my clients. I highly recommend it to other trainers.
Today I wanted to talk about forming opinions. It is not common in this industry (or any industry really) to hear or read something from a particular strength coach, trainer or author and automatically accept what they say and do in their practice as gospel. I am constantly amazed at people who will go to a seminar and buy into what the speaker is saying, so much so that they lose sight of everything they have ever learned and they just accept it as the way things should be. The funniest thing is when these coaches change their minds about how things are done, or they take a different position on a certain topic, and all those who follow them blindly have to change as well. It is sad to see how many people just play follow the leader. Like a pack of lemmings, if the coach says “we don’t do squats,” those people no longer squat their athletes. Two years later the coach says “we went back and found that we made a mistake taking squats out of our programs so we put them back in,” and just like that, the followers follow suit and put squats back into their athletes programs.
I guess I am a bit of a skeptic or maybe it is just a little harder to get me to drink the kool-aid, but I try and formulate my own opinions and my own thoughts, based on the information that I read and come across. I prefer a more eclectic approach, taking information from everyone and figuring out what works best for the situation I am in. In fact, this is what these ‘famous’ coaches did to help develop their own methodology and systems. They read books, formulated opinions and developed their program. It would be an even better idea to go back and read the books that those coaches read. Who knows, maybe you will interpret things in a different way, maybe you will get something different out of it, and maybe, just maybe, you might develop your own system and start thinking for yourself!
I guess where I am going with all this is that we need to stop letting others think for us. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be told that the world is flat. We need to get out, explore and think for ourselves. That is how we grow and become better at our craft. That is how we develop our own training system.
Think about it,
Sorry for the break, I am back in the saddle again! I have been really busy with school and I was out of town this past weekend doing some continuing education credits. I was attending a seminar on Muscle Activation Techniques (, it was the jump start clinic. I found it to be very well done and very interesting. There were definitely things that I could take away from the seminar and put into practice with my clients. I highly recommend it to other trainers.
Today I wanted to talk about forming opinions. It is not common in this industry (or any industry really) to hear or read something from a particular strength coach, trainer or author and automatically accept what they say and do in their practice as gospel. I am constantly amazed at people who will go to a seminar and buy into what the speaker is saying, so much so that they lose sight of everything they have ever learned and they just accept it as the way things should be. The funniest thing is when these coaches change their minds about how things are done, or they take a different position on a certain topic, and all those who follow them blindly have to change as well. It is sad to see how many people just play follow the leader. Like a pack of lemmings, if the coach says “we don’t do squats,” those people no longer squat their athletes. Two years later the coach says “we went back and found that we made a mistake taking squats out of our programs so we put them back in,” and just like that, the followers follow suit and put squats back into their athletes programs.
I guess I am a bit of a skeptic or maybe it is just a little harder to get me to drink the kool-aid, but I try and formulate my own opinions and my own thoughts, based on the information that I read and come across. I prefer a more eclectic approach, taking information from everyone and figuring out what works best for the situation I am in. In fact, this is what these ‘famous’ coaches did to help develop their own methodology and systems. They read books, formulated opinions and developed their program. It would be an even better idea to go back and read the books that those coaches read. Who knows, maybe you will interpret things in a different way, maybe you will get something different out of it, and maybe, just maybe, you might develop your own system and start thinking for yourself!
I guess where I am going with all this is that we need to stop letting others think for us. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be told that the world is flat. We need to get out, explore and think for ourselves. That is how we grow and become better at our craft. That is how we develop our own training system.
Think about it,