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My head just exploded!

Okay, missed a few days of blogging since I was away all weekend and have had a lot of catching up to do on things this week. We are back in the saddle again however.

My head exploded while reading this news artcile. Are the serious!!??!!??

This stuff really pissess me off. I hate how the soda compaines market this crap to people and try and call it healthy. Come on! Maybe it isn't even them that I am mad at? Maybe it is the governement or the FTC for allowing them to false advertise to the public?

Either way, this is ridiculous. There is nothing healthy about that soda, fortifed or not. It is bull sh*t that the are actually going to try and pitch that to people. It is sad that people will buy into this hype and start purchasing this stuff because it says "healthy". I can't wait to start getting questions from people "Is this okay? It says fortified." Ugh.

Anyway, that is my rant for the day. I have a ton of interesting research sitting on my desk that I want to sift through and review for some upcoming blog entries (probably this weekend).

Hope everyone has a healthy day.....DRINK WATER (or green tea)!
